100 years of clothing-making technology has become the innovation of 'high-tech materials'!
Velvet is more flexible and resilient than existing high-tech materials, and has excellent design, so experts predict that it will be highly utilized in any industry in the future. Yesterday's No. 1 textile company is leaping into a high-tech material company today.


It is an environmental filter velvet that can absorb fine dust in the air or selectively absorb only heavy metal ions through special chemical treatment that combines -SH structure (diol group) with fibers such as cellulose or nylon.


Velvet for electric and electronic materials, which is structured with a velvet double weave of high-tech composite fibers fused with carbon or carbon allotropes with excellent conductivity, has higher energy density and wider effective surface area for electron emission than existing products.


We supply velvet reinforcing materials with excellent mechanical properties to the automotive, defense and aerospace fields that pursue energy efficiency, light weight, convenience and eco-friendliness, and replace metal parts, heat-resistant materials, and flame-retardant materials by adding a polymer matrix method.

  • 용도 트렌치, 아우터, 팬츠 등
  • 혼용률 면 100%
  • 세탁법 드라이크리닝 런닝
  • 판매단위 1마 (91.44㎝) 단위 판매
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    • 밀도 높은 조직감을 갖춘 원단으로 단품 코디시에도 핏감이 간결하며 무게감과 격식이 느껴지는 룩을 연출하실 수 있습니다.