Youngdo Velvet's velvet fabric has been successfully localized since 1960 and is exported to 124 countries around the world, and is used for fashion clothing products, accessories, home fashion, and furniture fabrics.
All products of Youngdo Velvet are produced in KOREA through the integrated production system of yarn-weaving-dyeing owned by the Gumi Industrial Complex in Korea.


Cotton velvet, developed in the early 1980s, is stiffer than silk velvet and has poor drapability, but is durable and has a simple feel, so it is used in men's suits and casual clothes in modern fashion. Recently, it is also used in home fashion as an eco-friendly material with a soft touch. Youngdo Velvet's quality competitiveness is that it can be produced in uniform color even at 500 to 5000 yards per 1 lot with CPB dyeing machine.


Youngdo Velvet, which developed 100% rayon velvet, the highest level of velvet technology, following Japan in 2010, is mainly supplied to famous European fashion brands and Chinese luxury products. It has more strength in pile than silk velvet and has a dense bottom, so it is applied to fashion jackets, bags, and shoes. On the other hand, knitted velvet woven with a polyester floor on rayon pile has the advantage of being able to handle various surface designs with burnout techniques.


Acetate velvet was developed as artificial silk to replace silk silk in the 1930s and became a byword for velvet in the 20th century. Acetate velvet, which was first introduced in Korea, is the most preferred product by professional fashionistas for its beautiful luster and excellent drape. However, the disadvantage is that the physical properties of the acetate yarn itself are very weak, so product deformation occurs easily. Youngdo Velvet was developed in 1970 under the name Double Velvet and became the world's No. 1 export product.


In the 1990s, Youngdo Velvet applied polymer microfiber to velvet weaving for the first time in the world and successfully commercialized it. It has excellent thermoplasticity, so once it is shaped by heat treatment, it is not deformed by general washing or ironing, so it has washable characteristics that can be worn immediately after washing. In addition, it has excellent flexibility and resilience, so it can be applied to fashion clothing products and interior home fashion.


It is a general term for fabrics with a pile length of 10 mm or more woven on a woven pile loom, but Youngdo Velvet has developed a product that can be used as a substitute for artificial fur by weaving pile with acetate yarn. In the 1970s, it was well-received in the domestic and international markets under the name of <Chinchilla>. Along with the recent craze for vegan fashion trends, various animal fur patterns have been treated with embossing and printing, and it is gaining popularity in the world's high-end fashion market with its luxurious gloss unique to acetate yarn.

  • 용도 트렌치, 아우터, 팬츠 등
  • 혼용률 면 100%
  • 세탁법 드라이크리닝 런닝
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